HCA Healthcare maintains an ethics line for reporting possible misconduct or obtaining guidance on an ethics or compliance issue. The ethics line is available toll-free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
To report a concern to the ethics line, call the dedicated phone number or select the appropriate link based on the business entity involved or location of the incident to submit a report through our online ethics and compliance reporting service. You may report your concern anonymously using either method.
Report an Ethics & Compliance Issue
From the U.S.:
HCA Healthcare & Parallon: 1-800-455-1996 or https://hcahealthcareethicsline.webline.sai360.net/
HealthTrust: 1-800-345-7419 or https://healthtrustethicsline.webline.sai360.net/
Methodist Healthcare: 1-800-351-2764 or https://methodisthealthcare.webline.sai360.net/
From the United Kingdom:
HCA UK: 080-089-0011 or https://ethicslinehcauk.webline.sai360.net/
HealthTrust UK: 080-169-8145 or https://healthtrustethicsline.webline.sai360.net/
From India:
HCA India: 000-117-800-455-1996 or https://hcahealthcareethicsline.webline.sai360.net/