HCA Healthcare’s resident and fellow stipend program

Residents and fellows in select specialties have the unique opportunity to receive monthly financial assistance while completing training through HCA Healthcare’s resident and fellow stipend program.

What are the benefits of joining HCA Healthcare’s stipend program?

For those selected as a stipend recipient, you'll enjoy the following benefits:

  • Funds are forgiven as you receive medical staff privileges and membership at an HCA Healthcare affiliated hospital for two (2) years.
  • You can go anywhere in the US where there is an HCA Healthcare hospital and a demonstrated need for your specialty

Am I eligible for HCA Healthcare’s stipend program?

Here are the following requirements for consideration when applying:

  • Must be a full-time resident in an ACGME, AOA, or HCA Healthcare approved program or a full-time fellow in a U.S. fellowship program
  • Resident/Fellow must remain in good standing with the program to maintain stipend eligibility
  • Must submit a letter of recommendation from current residency/fellowship program
  • Must receive a written Letter of Recommendation from current training program
  • Resident/Fellow is not eligible if a contract or letter of intent with a practice, hospital or other entity has been extended
  • Must pass a thorough background check
  • Resident/Fellow is ineligible to apply if he/she has an immediate family member on the medical staff at an HCA Healthcare hospital
  • Must have completed a minimum of nine (9) months of residency training to be considered for the program
  • Must have a minimum of six (6) months of training remaining (as of the last day of the candidate’s review period) to be considered for the program
  • Resident/Fellow must disclose all future training plans in initial application process. Once contracts have been fully executed, amendments can no longer be made to accommodate additional payments

Policies and Procedures

Stipend program FAQs

Please review the following most frequently asked questions. Feel free to reach out to our Training Program Outreach team if you have any follow-up questions about our Resident/Fellow Stipend Program.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a stipend as “a fixed sum of money paid periodically for services or to defray expenses.” Since 2005, HCA Healthcare has provided stipends or financial assistance to residents and fellows in selected medical specialties.

The amount paid per month depends on the length of training remaining.

Stipends are forgiven provided the recipient serves on the medical staff at an HCA Healthcare affiliated hospital and also establishes and maintains his/her primary medical practice in the geographic area served by any HCA Healthcare affiliated hospital for two (2) years.

Each and every hospital has their own set of rules that define medical staff privileges. You will need to check with the individual hospital to determine the specific responsibilities as determined by their bylaws and policies.

The maximum length of time for a stipend is based on HCA Healthcare’s anticipated need for your medical specialty. Candidates must have completed at least nine months of residency training – and have at least six months of training remaining to be considered for the program. Typically, stipends are awarded for 6-24 months.

No – The stipend does not tie you to a particular hospital or location. Stipend recipients can choose to practice anywhere in the United States where there is an HCA Healthcare affiliated hospital and a need for their specialty.

You are NOT eligible for a stipend. The stipend links you to HCA Healthcare before you are willing to commit to a specific location.

If you are unable to fulfill your contract, the total amount of money that you have received must be returned – immediately and in full. No penalty or fee will be assessed by HCA Healthcare.

However, if you do not repay the money within 180 days of completing your training, or have an outstanding balance, a Loan Amortization Schedule will be provided with interest, that will accrue at the Formula Rate, per annum, as determined by the Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions.

Yes – You will receive a 1099 form for any money paid to you during a calendar year. It is your responsibility to pay taxes.

No – There are no extra duty or call related requirements while you are training or in practice.

No – You are not required to be employed by an HCA Healthcare affiliate, but you are eligible to enter into an Employment Agreement with an HCA Healthcare affiliate. The stipend contract is separate from any other contractual relationship you will have with a group or with an HCA Healthcare affiliate.

No — amounts are pre-determined and not negotiable.

Eligible specialties are determined by the screening committee and reevaluated based on the current needs in our facilities. These specialties are subject to change at any time.

Yes – Should you get activated, a letter will be written postponing your commitment to serve on active staff at an HCA Healthcare affiliated hospital until you are released.

This needs to be addressed at the time of your application – your potential fellowship plans need to be included in your initial contract. There will be no additional stipend payments added to your contract once it has been fully executed.

The forgiveness period will begin once your training program is complete. If you are undecided on fellowship, we encourage you to wait and apply for the stipend program once all plans have been solidified.

It is up to the physician and the practice to determine whether or not the non-compete unfairly restricts the physician’s ability to practice medicine.

Stipend recipients who are actively receiving payments or who are currently in their forgiveness period are not permitted to do PRN work at any HCA Healthcare affiliated hospital. They can, however, do PRN work for a hospital that is not affiliated with HCA Healthcare.

Interested in applying for the HCA Stipend Program?

Complete the provider information form here

A response will be provided within 2 business days.

2025 Stipend Application Deadlines:
March 1st
July 1st
October 1st

We look forward to hearing from you!

Have questions? Contact us

Hannah Coffee

Hannah Coffee, Manager, Stipend Program

Phone: (270) 850-0356
Email Hannah