At Hospice & Family Care, we provide care specifically tailored to meet the delicate needs of those facing a terminal illness who, rather than continuing to undergo curative treatment, would prefer to live comfortably and peacefully, surrounded by family and friends.

We strive to provide you with the physical, emotional and spiritual support you need to live life on your terms – fully – with the dignity and respect you deserve.

Care where you’re most comfortable

Hospice & Family Care is committed to creating a space that has the comforts of home, no matter what location you choose. This means providing you with the subtle touches (favorite music, cherished photos) that bring you comfort – as well as surrounding you with family and friends to help you make the most of every moment.

Routine Home Care

We visit you in your home, managing symptoms and making sure you are comfortable. We also educate your family on how to best care for you — including all medications, equipment and treatments.

Continuous Care

This is an alternative to going into the hospital for uncontrolled symptoms. Our team can provide up to 24-hour care for a short intermittent period of time to gain control of symptom burden.

General Inpatient Care

When your symptoms are unable to be controlled in the home due to a higher level of care needed, admission to a hospital or skilled nursing facility for a short duration may be needed to gain control of symptoms.

Respite Care

When family members need a physical or emotional break, our team can offer relief from caregiving duties for up to five consecutive days and nights.

Whichever location you choose, you’ll be cared for by our team of hospice professionals including nurses, aides, volunteers, social workers and chaplains who approach your care as an honor and privilege.

Learn more about our Hospice & Family Care locations