
It is the policy of HCA to contribute to activities, organizations and causes in Middle Tennessee that advance both a public purpose (health/wellness, safety, cultural, general welfare) and a corporate purpose (furtherance of the Company’s interests, image and responsibilities).

The goal of HCA is to focus support on the following areas:

  • Health and wellness organizations
  • Children, youth and education organizations
  • Arts, cultural and humanities organizations
  • Diversity and inclusion efforts

In evaluation of sponsorship opportunities, priority will be given to organizations that are aligned with the areas listed above. Further priority will be given to organizations with involvement of HCA or TriStar Health System employees as board members, advisory committee members, event chairs and/or active and engaged volunteers. Because of the large number of HCA employees who volunteer through HCA’s Caring for the Community Campaign Community Days, yearly volunteer efforts through Community Days alone will not qualify HCA employees as “active and engaged” volunteers.

Only organizations with 501(c)(3) status are eligible for funding.

HCA does not contribute to:

  • Individuals or individual fundraising efforts
  • Political campaigns/parties
  • Religious organizations
  • Groups that discriminate on the basis of age, religion, color, race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or national origin
  • Activities that do not advance our public or corporate purpose
  • Golf events
  • School or sports teams, clubs, activities or events
  • Walks and/or runs*

*We encourage organizations to approach their local TriStar hospital(s) or the TriStar Health System for support for community walks and/or runs.

Request submission process

All requests for monetary contributions should be submitted through the HCA Sponsorship Committee's online submission system. Sponsorships are reviewed on a monthly basis. If you have any questions regarding HCA’s policy and criteria or submission process, please email Corporate Sponsorship.

View the online guide for using the system.

All sponsorship requests for $20,000 or more must be submitted by February one in order to be funded in that calendar year. Please submit all other sponsorship requests 10 to 12 weeks prior to the date of the event.

Only one request will be accepted per organization per year.

NOTE: While we ask that each organization make only one request per year, your request may include multiple events/programs. Each event/program should be submitted as a unique proposal (i.e. if you have three events, submit three proposals). To be considered part of a single request, all proposals must be submitted at one time. Further instructions for submitting requests for multiple events/programs are available in the submission site.

Submit your request

HCA reserves the right to change or make exceptions to this policy as it deems appropriate.

Donation acknowledgement form

Organizations who receive monetary contributions of $250 or more must complete and return a Donation Acknowledgement Form. Completed forms should either be scanned and emailed to Corporate Sponsorship or mailed to:

HCA Healthcare
Attn: Communications/Corporate Sponsorship
One Park Plaza, 1-4E
Nashville, TN 37203